Albert Penello has come to the defense of Microsoft’s Xbox One’s after recent news Tomb Raider will be joining several other games which will perform worse compared to its rival, the Playstation 4. Tomb Raider has been all but confirmed to run ‘mostly’ at 30FPS on the Xbox One (with spikes up to 45FPS when things aren’t so busy), compared to the PS4’s 60FPS. Although both platforms will be outputting in 1080P HD native.
Tomb Raider’s lower frame rate joins other games, such as BattleField 4 and Call of Duty: Ghosts which have lower internal rendered resolution on the X1. Albert Penello decided to try and tackle this issue on GamerTagRadio.
“Look, I had a lot of time to think about this and I believe in what I said. I believe that the differences between the boxes [Albert means both the Xbox One and Sony’s Playstation 4] is not all that great and I know what is going behind the scenes and I have access to more information about some of this thing than a lot of people. Sometimes people tend to neglect the points that are in my favor and they like to highlight the points that tell me I am wrong. I still think Ryse is still the best looking game on any platform. Period. End of story.”
Albert Penello then added, “I think if you look at the title which we launch, which were multiplatform titles, The bulk of them were the same. I think there were 12 titles released on both platforms [X1 and PS4], leaving three all of them had the same performance on both boxes. Everybody wants to focus on frame rate, there is the Tomb Raider, there is a resolution thing going on and OK, there could be a lot of reasons why that could be true but we are just weeks in, we just shipped, it’s a long generation. People who bought an Xbox One are going to be in for an awesome generation of games that are only going to get better. I think these little things get way overblown versus like the quality of the games and the real differences in experiences which are pretty minor.”
While I agree that the generation has only just begun, with comments from Thuway (Ashan Rashed) that the power gap between the X1 and PS4 will widen, it’s hard to know where we’ll go from here. Certainly there’s few who’d dispute that Ryse: Son of Rome is a visually impressive title, and certainly one of the best looking on this next gen of consoles. The problem comes from voices of gamer’s around the internet who then ask “but would it look better on the PS4?”.
It’s clear there’s a power gap on paper between the two machines, the PS4’s GPU boasting 1.84TFLOPS of power is small compared to a high end PC, but is certainly ahead of the Xbox One’s 1.32TFLOPS. While of course both machines will evolve over the next generation, for many gamer’s they’re worried that the Xbox One versions of multi-platform titles will be inferior graphically. Albert Penello and the others behind the Xbox One would however be quick to remind you that there’s more to a system than graphics.
It’s early in this next generation of games, and from the perspective of pure performance the Xbox One might be at the disadvantage, but Microsoft can still win the hearts of gamer’s with the quality of titles. Sony and Microsoft both have great consoles, but really the whole infrastructure and experience are still important. We can only watch to see how it all evolves over the next several months.