Looks like Sony are adding to their exclusivity arsenal with another big game, Batman Arkham Knight having content tied to their platform. Now with PS4 you will be able to play an exclusive mission; “Scarecrow Nightmare” exclusively.
It seems like after Microsoft announced a timed exclusive with Tomb Raider on Xbox One, Sony are fighting back with paying for content on third party titles.
I am all for exclusivity on a console….if it’s a full game title which is developed or owned by Sony or Microsoft. Not a third party title which has not been exclusive and not tied to a specific console. Paying a publisher to only allow content on one specific platform is just throwing away its fan base for greed. We have seen this kind of act from Microsoft for years with Sony trying this at the end of the PS3 life cycle. But now having Sony competing to the same notion is just infuriating.
I really hope we don’t see this trend much longer, but I am sure it will continue. Both companies will try anything to entice more players over to their platform and this just seems to be helping, so we are going to see more.
Batman Arkham Knight will be released June 2nd, 2015. No word on any exclusive content for Xbox One owners as of yet.