Murdering thousands of helpless World of Warcraft players will now be a thing of the past
If you have been a long time World of Warcraft player you’ll know about glitches. You’ll also more than likely be familiar with the plague event (that happened just before wrath of the lich king was released) that saw players able to transfer a virus among the populatiom, spreadng to NPCs and of course, others players. This meant you could go into Stormwind, and couldn’t even repair your damn armor. It annoyed players, but it was all in good fun.
Recently though, there has been a far worse glitch – one that with very little effort on the part of the player could render an entire cit devastated. Blizzard said the following
“Earlier today, certain realms were affected by an in-game exploit, resulting in the deaths of player characters and non-player characters in some of the major cities. This exploit has already been hotfixed, so it should not be repeatable. It’s safe to continue playing and adventuring in major cities and elsewhere in Azeroth,” Nethaera explained.
“As with any exploit, we are taking this disruptive action very seriously and conducting a thorough investigation.”
The hackers also commented with “A kill hack,” “We didn’t do any permanent damage. Some people liked it for a new topic of conversation and a funny stream to watch, and some people didn’t. The people who didn’t should be blaming Blizzard for not fixing it faster (four hours of obvious use is sad).
“It’s not like I added 20,000,000 gold to everyone’s inventory and broke the economy, but look at the big Chinese gold seller companies who are doing this every day. Now ask yourself who is really ruining the game. It’s not us.
A few souls did capture some of the murdering on youtube though (note, this is NOT on the RedGamingTech channel!)