Blizzard made a couple of nice announcements for Hearthstone, one being a nice shake-up for the meta, another being something that I have been calling for since day one.
The meta shake up is coming in the form of the brand new Reveal mechanic, which allows you to get a sneak peek at your opponent’s deck.
How does this work, I hear you ask? Well, let’s say you play the Master Jouster onto the board, both players reveal a minion from their deck.
If the card you revealed is more expensive than your opponent’s, the Master Joster will gain defensive bonuses. Obviously, there are other bonuses to be triggered on other cards, such as attack boosts or healing your hero.
As interesting as this sounds, what really gets me excited is the second thing they announced. That being, that they are FINALLY going to add more rewards to Ranked play.
So, basically Blizzard have finally deigned to give us what we have been asking for since the dawn of time. There will be new tiered rewards which are based on how high you managed to climb before the monthly reset.You can read more about the rewards at