Mass Effect Andromeda isn’t due out until 2017, and as such, we know basically nothing about it.
However, today we might have gotten a sneak peak at what the story and theme of Mass Effect Andromeda will be. This is thanks to screenshots which have surfaced, which show a survey EA is sending out to it’s customers.
As usual, we have NeoGAF to thank for this discovery. While not all of these elements probably won’t be in the game, it still gives an indication of where Bioware is headed with this one.
The first image shows the start of the survery (naturally) and essentially pitches you a brief synopsis in the game, and then gauges your interest in buying it based on that synopsis. It’s in this image that we get a little glimpse at what’s in store for the next Mass Effect.
As you can see, it puts the human race as the aliens looking for a home (kinda like Battlestar Galatica, but hopefully not as bleak), with an indingenous race set on opposing them. It will also have apparently “deep” progression and customisation systems.
As you can see in the other two images below, this is very much a survey targeted at finding out information for marketing, so most of this information can be taken as legit, even if all of it may not make it’s way into the final product. As with anything that doesn’t come straight from the mouth of a publisher or developer to the public, best to take it with a pinch of salt.
Still, if these screenshots are showing a small snapshot of what Bioware have in store for us, things are looking promising. Check out the other two images below.