An unconfirmed report indicates the first details of the new Skyrim DLC, Dragonborn.
If you have ever wanted to ride your own Dragon, you might be getting your wish soon!
The Elderscrolls 5 Skyrim is still as popular as ever, and after the Dawnguard DLC was released players were eager for another major release to keep them into the Skyrim story (one does not simply finish an Elderscrolls game it would seem).
The Island of Solstheim seems to be the location to where the next piece of skyrim’s story will be taking place. Dragonborn will be held on the island, which is reported to be East of Skyrim and sit North of Morrowind.
There is also a strong chance (based on the uncomfirmed evidence) that the game will feature a Dragon mount – although it could be a scriped event and you might not be able to ride around as if it were say, a horse.
New Skyrim : Dragoborn DLC Locations
Mardoxx is a forum user on the Bethesda forums who has pieced all this together. They have also found new HUD compass markers showing off new locations
They delved into the source code – here is an exert (if it floats your boat that is).
- data\interface\Translate_english.txt
- $Crafting_$DLC2ArmorBonemold BONEMOLD
- $Crafting_$DLC2ArmorChitin CHITIN
- $Crafting_$DLC2ArmorNordic NORDIC
- $Crafting_$DLC2ArmorStalhrim STALHRIM
- $Dragonborn Quests Completed Dragonborn Quests Completed
- $DRAGONBORN_ESMName Dragonborn
- Update.bsa\meshes\animationsetdatasinglefile.txt
- DragonMountedDualMagic.txt
- DragonMountedDualStaff.txt
- DragonMountedMLhSolo.txt
- DragonMountedMLhStaff.txt
- DragonMountedMRhSolo.txt
- DragonMountedMRhSolo_ShieldOrTorch.txt
- DragonMountedMRhStaff.txt
Raven Rock, Miraak Temple, Castle Karstaag and Telvanni Tower will serve to be main locations throughout the Dragonborn. Keep checking RedGamingTech for all the news and updates as it comes in!