It has been a while since we had a good tactical shooter on the market. This is personally one of my favorite genres and I am definitely looking forward to Rainbow Six Siege. Ubisoft debuted the game at E3 2014 with some alpha game play footage. Rainbow six Siege has everything that a tactical shooter should have. It has completely destructive environments, hostage rescue, and your character can die in an instant. The game has a planning phase so that you and four of your friends can devise a plan of action and gather intel on the enemy.
The planning phase of the game looks incredibly in-depth. The hostage takers can set up booby traps and barricade doors and windows. They can set up cover in spots and get set up and wait for the inevitable invasion by the spec ops forces. From the spec ops side they can launch drones to gather information on where the booby traps are located what windows the hostage takers are barricading and where the cover is being set up. The coolest aspect of this is that the drone could get destroyed at anytime. If the drone gets destroyed too quickly, then the spec ops forces will be in the dark. It makes the phase feel authentic and not just a gamey throw in.
The best part of this game is the fact that you can breach anything from the ceiling, to the walls and doors. If the hostage takers have barricaded themselves in a room and there is what looks to be one way in, just take out a wall or ceiling behind or above them. This creates tension and balances the game. If you’re down to 1v3 you can still win by simply thinking outside of the box.
This game is on the radar and I can’t wait to play it. It looks incredibly balanced and intense. That is what you need to be a good tactical shooter. Check back for more on Rainbow Six Siege.