Well, not long after my previous post regarding the Battlefield Hardline devs promising a more stable game this year compared to Battlefield 4, Visceral Games came out and announced that Battlefield Harldine will be delayed until early 2015. I don’t know about you, but to me, this is good news!
Seems Visceral Games do not want a repeat performance of DICE’s Battlefield 4, which had outcry from everyone who purchased the game due to the broken mess in which we still have to this day….. I applaud the people who commonly refer to this game as “Broken-field 4”.
At Comic-Con this week, Viceral Games gave more information into why the game was delayed. “It was not our original intention at that time but it’s been actually a blessing,” he explained. “Over time, games are living longer and longer and becoming bigger and bigger, and you only get one chance to come out.”
“When I think about the great games I remember, I had long relationships with them. I don’t remember when they came out, who cares? If it’s great enough, it’ll transcend all that.”
I completely agree with the delay and hope that many companies take this route instead of releasing something unfinished and hoping updates with solve the problems.
There is one big debate which brings Battlefield (as a franchise) into question tough. Is it really worth the full price in which it is sold for? I believe that maybe with some feedback and an overview of last year, Visceral Games may need time to add more features to Hardline. I do not believe that a mainly multiplayer game, which has a short 4 hour one t-time play campaign, does not justify the full price in which it has been sold in previous years. I am not alone in this thought and I hope that Visceral Games see an opportunity to add more content and give new features to something we have seen over and over again. Wouldn’t you really prefer the main single player cut out and a reduction in price or an increase in development for multiplayer only, as that is what 99% of the people who purchase Battlefield are doing?
One thing I would like to see is “bots” on these huge multiplayer maps. I think Titanfall did a great job of implementing more depth to a multiplayer session. Bots are good source of lower skilled enemies which make you feel like a baddass whilst mowing them down, and especially to new players to the game. Picking up a multiplayer game for a first time is difficult and it becomes frustrating when you’re getting killed every time by pros. But bots also just gives you something to do…look at the size of the maps on Battlefield. You could fit much more into the space in which you are given. Sometimes you’re running around for a few minutes just trying to find someone.