For some reason, Battlefield 4 Battlepacks can now be bought with real money. As you probably know, previously you could only get battlepacks by earning enough in game experience in order to unlock them. Now, players can buy access to these packs, which will offer a random assortment of weapon accessories, XP boosts, paints,.
Read More →Squads was a very popular feature present in Battlefield 3, but it was removed from Battlefield 4 because DICE felt like it wasn’t high enough quality to include in the game. No doubt this is causing a smile on some of your faces, as quality is something some would argue is very seperate from.
Read More →As you have probably heard by now, Battlefield 4 will be getting some DLC in the form of the Naval Strike DLC pack. As you can probably guess from the name, Naval Strike is an expansion focused on water based combat and is bringing a number of new weapons and vehicles to the table,.
Read More →DICE has officially revealed the minimum and recommended specifications for the PC version of Battlefield 4. First things first, let’s deal with the lower end specs. For those of you wondering “Will my PC run BF 4?” these are probably the specs you want to be looking at. Minimum Specs OS: Windows Vista SP2.
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