Everyone remembers how last Christmas, the “hacker” group Lizard Squad, like the veritable twatwaffles they are, took down PSN & XBLA. Now, a new hacker group has promised to do the same thing – except this time the DDoS attack will go on for a week. We are going to shut down Xbox live.
Read More →Around E3 time 2014 we got news that the notorious PlayStation TV may be making an appearance in Europe by end of year 2014. During Gamescom this week, Sony confirmed that the aforementioned PlayStation TV will indeed be coming in time for Christmas. The “PlayStation Vita TV” was available exclusively in Japan late 2013,.
Read More →As Christmas approaches, Sony show off their new Slimline 500GB PS3 PS3 hits 6 years old, and 2 new PS3 versions are the consoles ‘celebration’ of sorts. Many would argue that this Christmas will be the final one that Microsoft’s Xbox 360 and Sony’s Playstation 3 consoles will be in the spotlight. Pretty much.
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