Is the Playstation 4 hardware out of date less than 12 months after launch? Well – if you’re comparing it to a PC, then the answer is of course yes. But squeezing the most out of fixed hardware is something both game developers and those who’re responsible for the creation of the hardware are.
Read More →When it comes to Sony’s strategies for console optimization, ICE Team are the ones usually in the lime light. But in reality, there are other teams also responsible for producing the tools, strategies and optimizations to improve the systems performance over the long haul. ICE Team typically work on API related ‘stuff’, including GPU.
Read More →The topic of Mantle, DX12 and various other API’s is popping up a lot recently, and just yesterday we’d discussed comments between ICE Team, Naughty Dog and other developers providing insights into their thoughts on the various competing offerings. Today we’ve a little more information as Cort Stratton and other developers have once again.
Read More →For PC owners, DirectX 12’s release next year will solve a long running issue with PC gaming – lack of a low level GPU access via the API. Sure, right now we’ve got AMD’s awesome Mantle API, but there are developers who’re a little cautious to stray away from the well supported DirectX API..
Read More →There has been much in the news regarding the optimizations Microsoft have pushed on the Xbox One regarding either drivers, SDK or the OS. But it’s important to remember that Microsoft aren’t the only ones working on their hardware. Sony too are busy optimizing and improving their tools. Sony’s “ICE Team” are a talented.
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