Chances are good that if you’ve been following along with gaming news recently, you’ve had your interests piqued with regards to last years announcement Microsoft will be bringing DirectX 12 to their Xbox One console. There has been a lot of hype and speculation regarding what it would mean for the system, and we’ve.
Read More →The subject of both the Playstation 4 and Xbox One’s CPU’s has taken a slight backseat compared to chatter regarding their GPU and memory performance. There are likely a few reasons for this, the first is the GPU and memory configurations between the two next generation consoles is a great deal different than their.
Read More →Flying Wild Hog’s Shadow Warrior made a name for itself on the PC last year the title being a reboot of a 1997 release. Since then we’ve learned it’ll be making its way to generation consoles. Since the title is fast paced and reliant on twitch reactions fans will be happy to know the.
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