The Xbox One has been released, and there have been a series of reported issues which users are currently facing. In this article we’ll discuss how to either solve the problem yourself, or when you should contact Microsoft’s support. As of the time I’m writing this article (November 23rd, 2013) the system has only.
Read More →The North American Launch of Sony’s Playstation 4 hasn’t gone as smoothly as perhaps Sony would have liked. Amazon and the internet as a whole have been flooded with comments that PS4’s have appeared DOA. The issue is that the system is supposed to show a white light, but instead the light simply flashes.
Read More →The Playstation 4 hasn’t even been released officially yet, but some lucky users have received the console early. We’re already getting reports that a limited number of those users are suffering from PS4 hardware failures, from a range of issues. Shuhei Yoshida has put out a tweet “Be assured we are investigating reported PS4.
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