With preview copies of Remedy Software’s eagerly anticipated Quantum Break floating around, news quickly broke that the Xbox One version of the title runs at the rather disappointing resolution of just 720P. Before the announcement of a Windows 10 Port, Quantum Break was touted as a graphical masterpiece for Microsoft’s Xbox One console, and.
Read More →Although the it is a beautifully vast open world game with very demanding specs, I was still one of the (admittedly small) majority of individuals who looked at the Witcher 3 and thought that it would be much more graphically impressive. Over the years we have seen huge differences between what we are promised.
Read More →Now obviously, CD Projekt RED detailed the full system specs (GPU, CPU etc) that you would need some time ago. But now, Nvidia has gone into detail on their side, revealing exactly what GPU you will need for various level of graphics settings. Obviously, as this comes from Nvidia, this is fully focused on.
Read More →We’ve had lots of hype about The Witcher 3 lately, and rightly so. It looks like it’s going to be one of the biggest releases of this year, even the big Christmas releases will struggle to topple it. Yet, there is a rather hefty rumor going around, thanks to NeoGAF, that the game has.
Read More →Apparently we have not had enough of developers throwing high quality gameplay, with stunning visuals and boasting about how graphically beautiful their next up-and-coming game will look, then as soon as everyone is excited and expectation are at their greatest, pull the wool from our eyes and reveal that what we saw must have.
Read More →The release of the PS4 and X1 have pushed gamer’s to be particularly concerned with the resolution and graphics of the AAA titles. Just yesterday we reported that Watch Dogs on the PS4 would be running at 1080P / 30FPS and the X1 would see a 960P / 30FPS native resolution. However, there have.
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