We know Nintendo are working on another console, it’s even been confirmed to their shareholders – but we don’t know much else. There have been a few specs which have floated about the internet regarding a Fusion Terminal and Fusion DS, to which we’ve done an analysis on but the specs looked a little suspect.
Read More →Sony and Microsoft’s next generation consoles (or should I say, current generation consoles) the Playstation 4 and Xbox One are pretty impressive pieces of kit. The Wii U by technical comparison is lacking, in CPU, RAM and GPU terms it comes up short against either of its rivals. So it’s fairly obvious that another.
Read More →It seems so simple doesn’t it? For years we’ve been putting the disc into the console, hitting a button and listening to the all too familiar whirring as the game loads up. That’s it, as simple as it gets really. However, seemingly as long as the next generation Xbox has been rumoured, this simplicity.
Read More →There have been numerous rumors of late concerning Microsoft’s next entry into the console market. Just yesterday I mentioned that the system will possibly be called fusion. and then there have been the price rumors. Paul Thurrott, who is well known for his Microsoft leaks, mentioned originally that the system will cost you $500 up.
Read More →If you’ve been following the next generation Xbox news for any length of time, chances are good that you’ve come to call the system either Xbox 720, or just as commonly Durango. However, it was rather unlikely that either of those names would stick (although as an aside, I quite like the name Durango)..
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