The Playstation 4”s AMD Jaguar CPU clock speed has yet to be officially confirmed by Sony, but there is recent evidence and rumors to suggest that the CPU is running at 1.8GHZ. Previously, based on comments from various developers and speculation we’d guessed the PS4’s CPU was running at 1.6GHZ. Remember that the AMD.
Read More →For those I’ve spoken to who watched Microsoft’s Xbox One press conference, one thing stuck out like a sore thumb (aside from lack of games) – the speed they rattled through the tech. Only general terms were used – 8GB of Ram, with no description to its type or speed, an X64 CPU –.
Read More →What Will PS4 and Xbox 720 Bring Other Than Faster Hardware We expect the next generation of consoles – The XBox 720 and Playstation 4 to be substantially better spec wise than the previous generation. It’s not an unfair expectation, but we should not focus our pursuit purely on the amont of FLOPS or.
Read More →The specs for Sony’s successor to the Playstation brand, the PS4 will feature parts from AMD. Advanced Micro Devices are supplying both the GPU (graphics processing unit) and the CPU for the new system. The CPU, AMD’s Jaguar, is 2×4 core clusters running at 1.6GHZ and providing enough multhreading power to deal with pretty.
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