Microsoft’s UWP is come under a lot of heat for the forced usage of Vsync which effectively destroys both FreeSync and G-Sync from AMD and Nvidia respectively. Microsoft have thankfully taken the feedback onboard and during their GDC 2016 session titled DirectX 12 Advancements, claimed two additional API flags will fix this glaring flaw..
Read More →During AMD’s Capsacian event we were all rather eager to see a plethora of demos, perhaps several slides explaining what AMD’s plans for their upcoming range of Radeon 400 GPU’s, or best of all some concrete specs. Unfortunately this wasn’t to be, and we were instead given a pretty short Hitman 2016 demo (running.
Read More →During AMD presentation of their Capsaicin event there was a single theme resounding from everyone who took to their stage – increase in performance. Whether that was from what DirectX 12 and Vulkan could bring to the table to their next generation Radeon architecture, Polaris – it was clear AMD has a vision for.
Read More →The GDC 2016 session scheduler is proving to be a bit of a treasure trove lately. It revealed that Hitman may support DirectX 12, and now we know that Remedy Entertainment will be discussing how they solved the performance issues in Quantum Break. The title of Remedy’s session is Advanced Graphics Techniques Tutorial Day: Developing.
Read More →Since the announcement of DirectX 12 at last years GDC, Microsoft have slowly drip fed developers, gamer’s and the press details of the upcoming API; but at Build 2015, we’ve news that the API is not only largely complete, but will ship with several incredible new features likely to change how we view PC.
Read More →In this second part of our post-mortem, we’ll take a look at how Sucker Punch Productions handles the GPGPU structure of the PS4, more detailed breakdowns of the games double buffering system and we get some confirmation on the memory access speeds of the CPU. It’s been awhile since the first part of the Infamous: Second Son.
Read More →With the PS4’s debut we’d seen a short and telling trailer of “The Order 1886”, at first glance the title looked to be some type of steam-punk horror title which was all it really took when combined with the gorgeous visuals to pique my interest. The titles development grew rather quiet until there were.
Read More →We knew from the first screen shots and gameplay snippets of Infamous Second Son that the title would help to define what the PS4 was capable of. While its release has met with some criticism concerning the gameplay, there are few who would doubt that overall the game is very technically impressive. Recently a.
Read More →More than 2,600 North American game developers were surveyed for the March Games Developers Conference. The survey was conducted to poll how games developers planned to obtain financing, which platforms they favored to develop for and so on. It came as no great surprise that the Playstation 4 was slightly ahead of the Xbox.
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