AMD is a very different company today than it was even 3 years ago, and a lot of this is thanks to the management of Dr Lisa Su. The company have been executing very well over the past several years, with products (particularly in the CPU arena) which have significantly disrupted the market. AMD’s.
Read More →The art of semiconductor manufacturing is a beautiful and yet dangerous thing. For the past 40 years it’s technology has constantly improved (sometimes at a steady, and other times at a not so steady) rate. Without it, it’s an understatement to say that our very society would be vastly different to what it is.
Read More →Sony and Microsoft’s next generation consoles (or should I say, current generation consoles) the Playstation 4 and Xbox One are pretty impressive pieces of kit. The Wii U by technical comparison is lacking, in CPU, RAM and GPU terms it comes up short against either of its rivals. So it’s fairly obvious that another.
Read More →The Wii U has been at the butt of many jokes, and Nintendo insist that there is a misconception that the hardware is ‘underpowered’. Rumors are now flying that since the 3.0.0 update, both the Wii U’s GPU and CPU have received significant speed boosts. Developers are loathed to work on the Wii U.
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