Justin Bailey, who was COO of Double Fine, has launched a new crowdfunding platform where investors can actually see a return from their investment. The new platform goes by the name Fig, and is currently awaiting approval from the SEC to open up investment crowdfunding to everyone. Until then, it is limited to accredited.
Read More →Ubisoft is once again venturing into indie like territory, with an upcoming title, Grow Home. The title is coming out pretty soon, making this a pretty quick gasp of announcement and release, as it is due out on February 4th. For those of you wondering, it is developed by Ubisoft Reflections, and is currently.
Read More →DreamWalker’s Digital are currently hard at work readying GrayWalkers Purgatory, a third person role-playing title with a heavy emphasis on storytelling. for a launch of a KickStarter in 2014. We’ve managed to get to speak to Russell Thomas, who is DreamWalker’s CEO and lead game designer about the title, the teams thoughts on indie.
Read More →After receiving some criticism, Microsoft has loosened things up a little for developers unable to meet their ID@Xbox self-publishing release parity clause. In case you’re unaware, usually the ID@Xbox program will require indie developers who are looking at self publishing via the Xbox One to either release their game first on the X1, or.
Read More →A load of new Knack screenshots have been posted on AllGamesBeta, which show off the game’s local co-op mode. Mark Cerny, who is the game director and PS4 lead system architect, has said that Sony developed the same screen mode to assist young kids in playing the game. Whilst in co op mode, player.
Read More →We’ve all heard of runaway indie hits like Amnesia: The Dark Descent, Super Meat Boy and of course the grand daddy, Minecraft. But I want to talk about some other, slightly lesser known indie games that I think you absolutely need to check out. So, in no particular order, the top five indie games.
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