Microsoft’s announcement they’d managed to get the Xbox One to run Xbox 360 code at E3 2015 scored them a lot of points, both from those present at the event and those watching at home. It’s an impressive achievement, considering how very different the Xbox 360’s architecture is compared to the Xbox One. Sony.
Read More →There’s a good chance you’ve heard a lot about the insides of the Xbox One, but there’s much that’s still unclear regarding the CPU, eSRAM and its API. Microsoft have combined forces with AMD (who’re responsible for creating much of the chips residing inside the machine) to hold an event which explains much of.
Read More →Pete Dodd, better known to many as FamousMortimer is a well known leaker and industry insider. Recently he has taken to Twitter, discussing subjects of the Xbox One’s performance and User Interface. He began, “I talked to so many devs who said the UI was a mess. They did a great job pulling it together.”.
Read More →Now the Xbox One has seen a release in 13 territories around the world. Now people have torn the thing open, and explored just what makes the black box tick. While we have a reasonable idea exactly how the system ticks, there are still a few mysteries (mostly with the GPU’s compute) which we don’t.
Read More →In a recent article, I went into how the Durango’s Move Engines are going to function, and I’ve also gone into depth on several other articles about performances of the CPU vs desktop, but in this article we’ll be going into the perf. As mentioned in those previous articles, there is an emphasis on.
Read More →How does the PS4’s Jaguar Stack Up Against a gaming PC? The AMD Jaguar lies at the heart of the Playstation 4 (and likely, the XBox 720 Durango) and once you hear that the consoles feature 8 cores, it can sound nothing short of a monster. But is it really? The PS4 and Durango.
Read More →When a new console being created, it must impress gamers. It must contain enough power, enough new features and enough reason for us to buy it – as opposed to the rivals. For instance, you might have purchased the Playstation 3 because of the blu-ray support. You might have bought it because you’re familiar.
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