Chances are good that if you’ve been following along with gaming news recently, you’ve had your interests piqued with regards to last years announcement Microsoft will be bringing DirectX 12 to their Xbox One console. There has been a lot of hype and speculation regarding what it would mean for the system, and we’ve.
Read More →The topic of Mantle, DX12 and various other API’s is popping up a lot recently, and just yesterday we’d discussed comments between ICE Team, Naughty Dog and other developers providing insights into their thoughts on the various competing offerings. Today we’ve a little more information as Cort Stratton and other developers have once again.
Read More →AMD have been busy with promotion of their Mantle API, which isn’t surprising given the time and money they’ve invested in it. Developers such as DICE have already jumped on the technology, and as AMD have pointed out currently they’re the only choice when it comes to a low level API. But that’s going.
Read More →As we’ve established by now, Microsoft certainly aren’t the first to offer a low level API solution to PC developers, and likely won’t be the last (don’t be surprised when we hear the OpenGL low level announcement). DirectX 12 will almost certainly have the largest impact on PC games developers for a plethora of.
Read More →AMD have had a busy few days, they have just announced their new range of GPU’s, including the R9 290x (which is a 5TFLOP monster), and have also let the world know about Mantle. AMD’s Mantle API is a newly developed, open API which in theory proves drastically improved performance over the more traditional.
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