This year is shaping up to be an incredible year in gaming and technology, seeing the release of 14nm graphics cards, the first DirectX 12 and Vulkan titles, Virtual Reality headsets and a whole lot more. With this in mind, we decided to reach out to AMD’s Head of Global Technical Marketing, Mr. Robert.
Read More →*UPDATE* It would appear reports of Mantle’s demise aren’t true – we decided to do a little investigation into this news story ourselves, and AMD have firmly denied this rumor. I spoke with Robert Hallock, who serves as AMD’s Head of Global Technical Marketing and he assures me that this isn’t the case, and.
Read More →A few days ago, we’d reported that you’ll be able to march into your local store (or, more realistically, point your web browser to your favorite online store) and purchase the R9 300 series by June 24th (or the 18th for Fiji), and while that hasn’t changed, AMD are planning to announce their cards.
Read More →Although I’m in danger of repeating myself a little, there’s a lot of excitement in the air for Microsoft’s DirectX 12 and for good reason too. The new API has a lot of benefits over the old guard (DX11), including far greater multi-threading support, increased draw calls, large performance improvements and also improved compute.
Read More →For months we’ve been reading about the performance supposed performance benefits of DirectX 12 with no real way of testing anything for ourselves – and now finally Futuremark have released an update for their 3DMark benchmarking software. This update provides a way of testing ‘API Overhead’ and the results are rather startling; demonstrating precisely.
Read More →When Nvidia released their Maxwell architecture, AMD responded by rather aggressively slashing the prices of their 200 series of Radeon graphics cards. It’s an effective strategy, and combined with a few of Nvidia’s own PR blunders (namely, the GeForce GTX 970) AMD are gaining traction from gamers. For this review we’re going to be.
Read More →Brad Wardell has once again taken to Twitter and has been answering various questions users have regarding DirectX 12 for both the PC and the Xbox One, and some of his answers will likely make you rather excited, to say the least. Mr. Wardell has been rather vocal in his support for low level.
Read More →Brad Wardell, the CEO of Stardock Studios, has been a long time advocate of the performance of the ‘next gen’ API’s, such as DirectX 12 and AMD’s Mantle. He’s has also been more vocal than a lot of developers (who’ve maintained a high degree of radio silence, particularly over DX12) which gives us a.
Read More →Ask any digital media expert and they’ll all agree that social media is a hugely powerful tool to communicate with your audience. It isn’t just a tool to sell your product, but to interact with your ‘fans’ and to tell them what cool stuff you’re working on. With the recent fiasco concerning Nvidia’s Geforce.
Read More →Several months ago, Nvida’s Maxwell architecture was the subject of much speculation. The architecture had (and does continue to have) great potential, but the GTX 980 isn’t quite the performance monster we’d been hoping for. But many are sticking to what they’ve got, waiting to see what either AMD’s R9 390x offers or Nvidia’s.
Read More →Phil Spencer is the chap Microsoft appointed to be head of the Xbox division, replacing Don Mattrick back in July. Since Phil has taken up the mantle of chief, it’s fair to say the Xbox One is being seen in much more positive light. Recently, the Inner Circle podcast got a chance to catch.
Read More →AMD’s latest GPU architecture ‘Tonga’ has been unveiled in the form of the R9 285 already, which sports a 256 bit memory interface. But rumors are floating about the full Tonga GPU (the R9 285X) will feature 2048 Stream Processors and a 384 bit memory bus. With their main competitor, Nvidia now enjoying a.
Read More →Console memory is a key cause for concern with developers, and after the previous generations RAM limitations with both the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3, it’s fair to say anticipation was high how much RAM Microsoft and Sony would pack into their systems. The previous generation managed a rather meager 512MB (though some of.
Read More →It would appear we have the first images of the cooler to be used on AMD’s upcoming R9 300 series GPU’s. The cooler is manufactured by AseTek, who are growing in the field of liquid and hybrid cooling for GPU’s. If the cooler looks familiar, that’s because it looks quite similar to the R9.
Read More →AMD’s latest graphics card, the R9 285 ‘Tonga’ has arrived and is faster, more efficient and cooler running than the R9 280 and gives Nvidia GTX 760 a lot of competition. As many in the tech industry had guessed via rumor, the R9 285 is based on the third iteration of the Graphic Core.
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