Quite a few heavy hitting triple-A games are coming this way in the coming months. You may need a nice energy drink to quench that thirst. Well don’t worry because Mad Max shamefully reminds you in constant loading screens to drink some Rockstar energy and even has a car made of re-purposed cans, with.
Read More →During a recent meeting with investment company RW Baird, GameStop specified it new ambition to seek out games during early development and pay for exclusive content to be made specifically to encourage customers to pre-order games from their store. Now form a business stand point, I can see how GameStop will want to make.
Read More →The Playstation Vita Slim, known as the PS Vita 2000 is now available to pre-order in the UK. Sony UK’s Product Manager, Ben Law has been unveiled and the older Vita model will be phased out and replaced as its stock runs out. The PS Vita 2000 was released in Japan last year, 20.
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