When news and rumors regarding Quantum Break’s 720P resolution broke, people weren’t happy and took to Twitter questioning Remedy if there was truth to the matter. Finally Remedy have broken radio silence and issued a statement on the issue, explaining that Quantum Break’s base resolution is indeed 720P, but uses Temporal Reconstruction to bump.
Read More →With preview copies of Remedy Software’s eagerly anticipated Quantum Break floating around, news quickly broke that the Xbox One version of the title runs at the rather disappointing resolution of just 720P. Before the announcement of a Windows 10 Port, Quantum Break was touted as a graphical masterpiece for Microsoft’s Xbox One console, and.
Read More →The GDC 2016 session scheduler is proving to be a bit of a treasure trove lately. It revealed that Hitman may support DirectX 12, and now we know that Remedy Entertainment will be discussing how they solved the performance issues in Quantum Break. The title of Remedy’s session is Advanced Graphics Techniques Tutorial Day: Developing.
Read More →With Microsoft’s renewed commitment to PC gaming (and with Windows 10’s launch) many gamer’s are wondering if more Xbox One exclusive titles will be making a home for themselves on the PC. After all, Microsoft are bringing Killer Instinct to the PC, and we’ll be seeing Gears of War Ultimate Edition, so what about.
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