How does the PS4’s Jaguar Stack Up Against a gaming PC? The AMD Jaguar lies at the heart of the Playstation 4 (and likely, the XBox 720 Durango) and once you hear that the consoles feature 8 cores, it can sound nothing short of a monster. But is it really? The PS4 and Durango.
Read More →What Will PS4 and Xbox 720 Bring Other Than Faster Hardware We expect the next generation of consoles – The XBox 720 and Playstation 4 to be substantially better spec wise than the previous generation. It’s not an unfair expectation, but we should not focus our pursuit purely on the amont of FLOPS or.
Read More →The specs for Sony’s successor to the Playstation brand, the PS4 will feature parts from AMD. Advanced Micro Devices are supplying both the GPU (graphics processing unit) and the CPU for the new system. The CPU, AMD’s Jaguar, is 2×4 core clusters running at 1.6GHZ and providing enough multhreading power to deal with pretty.
Read More →The USB (Universal Serial Bus) standard has been around since the mid 90’s, and ever since the late 90’s it has been practically an impossibility to buy a PC without half a dozen USB ports on the systems motherboard, let alone the extra ones connected onto the case itself (of course they’re internally wired.
Read More →While Apple’s MacBook Pro series continues to pick up steam, I’m sure there are a fair few readers out there who’re excited to hear that the next set of MacBook Pros contain a Retina display. AnAndTech have a nice review of the MacBook Pro Retina. A few noteworthy things in their review include: There.
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