The Order 1886 serves as an impressive graphical debut for Ready at Dawn, proving not just their own technical abilities but also an exciting glimpse into the future of the ‘next generation’ of games. Despite the title being rather heavy handed in narration (and forcing the player into a single direction) there’s little doubt.
Read More →With the PS4’s debut we’d seen a short and telling trailer of “The Order 1886”, at first glance the title looked to be some type of steam-punk horror title which was all it really took when combined with the gorgeous visuals to pique my interest. The titles development grew rather quiet until there were.
Read More →Ru Weerasuriya, the creative director at Ready at Dawn, has revealed some new details about the upcoming PS4 exclusive, The Order 1886. Whilst speaking to the Playstation Blog EU, he offered various rather lovely bits of information, regarding both the game’s mechanics and the QTES. (Nooo, please no QTE’s! Please let them die the.
Read More →The Playstation 4’s ‘The Order 1866’ has had yet more news released regarding the resolution, and it’s actually pretty damn positive. The title has been confirmed to be currently using the rather costly (but very accurate) MSAA x4 by the games developers. Via Twitter Andrea Pessnio said “not set in stone yet, but we do.
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