Yoshimitsu has been confirmed for Tekken 7, surprising nobody ever, but what is surprising is that I would not have known it was Yoshimitsu without being told.
Now, Yoshimitsu has been a favourite character of mine since playing Tekken 2, and he has undergone numerous changes over the years. I mean, below you can see him as I first knew him in Tekken 2, and then how he was in Tekken 6. here he is as I first knew him, and here he is in Tekken 6.
Pretty different, but as weird and wonderful as his outfits and looks have gotten, there hasn’t been one yet that I felt has been outside the overall theme for his character and personality… until now. This honestly looks nothing like Yoshimitsu, and as I said previously, this is so outside the realms of his usual theme that I would not have guessed it was him. It looks like some budget Xenomorph crossed with some Hentai level tentacles, possibly from Legend of the Overfiend, (google at your own risk, very NSFW) with some random glowstick rave paint thrown on for good measure.
Just… look what they did to him. You can see the screenshots in the gallery below.