A slightly better selection today, with more than one game tempting me with it’s shinies! Glad to see a nice collection of games in today’s deals for the Steam Summer Sale, the last couple of days haven’t been the greatest for me.
Fallout: New Vegas (£3.74 – 75% off!)
This is a game that I keep meaning to play, but just haven’t got around to it. I doubt anyone here needs to be told that this is a legendary FPS, famous for it’s bleak post apocalyptic setting and dialogue choices. This is considered a very good game for a lot of very good reasons, so if you, like me, have yet to play it – check it out!
Krater (£5.99 – 50% off!)
Luckily, this is another game that we have covered on the channel, so if you are unsure, I would say that is a great place to start. This an indie developed squad based role playing game that does look rather interesting. I have not played it myself, but Crimson (who covered it) did give it his recommendation.
Gratuitous Battle Pack (£7.81 – 66% off!)
This bundle includes both Gratuitous Space Battles, and Gratuitous Tank Battles, both of which are also reduced at 66% off. They both price in the £4-5 range, so if you are interested in one in may be better to just pick up both. GSB has a metacritic score of 72/100, but sadly there is no scoring for GTB.
Alan Wake (£5.74 – 75% off!)
This is another game we have covered and again, Crimson rates this very highly. You can get the entire franchise (that would be Alan Wake, Alan Wake’s American Nightmare (stand alone expansion) and some Collector’s Extras) for £7.74, but if you’re just looking for the core experience I would say save a few pennies and just get the game by itself.
Indie Bundle VIII (£6.99 – 75% off!)
Again, a very nice bundles, with some weak titles and some very strong looking ones as well. There hasn’t been a bundle yet that has really tempted me personally, but let’s take a look at what you get for your money this time. There is Demolition Inc, HOARD, SOL: Exodus, Swords and Soldiers HD and finally Wings of Prey.
Sniper Elite v2 (£14.99 – 50% off!)
I’m sure most of you know of this one, if only for the awesome edition of seeing your bullets go through your enemies kneecap/face/groin. Aside from the schadenfreude of the satisfying kill cams, I know that this game is quite highly regarded and we even did a video of it. The discount is a decent one, but since the game is still fairly new, the price is a little steep for my taste. You can get alot of games for £15 in the Steam sale, so unless you are absolutely dying to play this (and it is a very good game) I would say wait on this one.
The Witcher 2 (£11.99 – 60% off!)
There are actually both Witcher games available in this sale, both for quite a reduction. The original, which is a few years old now as it was released in 2008, is still rated very highly and is listed at £1.74 – 75% off. That is an insanely cheap price, so if you are looking for a tough PC RPG, look no further. The Witcher 2 is also excellent, but is a little more steeply priced as it is a much newer game. Personally, if you are new to the series – get the first, leave the second until it’s cheaper. But if you have been waiting for the right price on the second, I would say that this is pretty reasonable.
Plants vs Zombies (£1.74 – 75% off!)
Even non gamers know about this one. Pop Cap’s fun, casual tower defense game is insanely popular – and with good reason. There is a surprising amount of depth for such a casual game, with upgrades, different types of plants and other goodies to unlock. If you’re looking for something fun, but very well polished and slick, then look no further.
Amnesia: The Dark Descent (£3.24 – 75% off!)
Ahh, Amnesia. Such a good game, and one of the absolute best survival horror games to come out in a long time. It actually has pacing, tension, atmosphere and – shock horror – some genuinely terrifying moments in it. The main campaign will run you about 6-8 hours, but there is an endless amount of enjoyment here because of the modding community. An absolute ton of custom stories have been created for this game, most of which are completely free. I would say that any horror fan who is yet to pick this up absolutely must do so – especially at this price.