Ubisoft is once again venturing into indie like territory, with an upcoming title, Grow Home.
The title is coming out pretty soon, making this a pretty quick gasp of announcement and release, as it is due out on February 4th. For those of you wondering, it is developed by Ubisoft Reflections, and is currently slated for the PC.
The official blurb from Ubisoft reads,
“Grow Home is the story of BUD, a Botanical Utility Droid sent on a mission across the galaxy to seek out a new species of flora to help oxygenate his home world.
Along the way you’ll find yourself traveling through a series of floating islands and crafting your own playground in the sky. As you ride branching vines through the air, you’ll be shaping your own unique world, exploring new locations, and encountering strange plants and animals.”
Also, the producer Pete Young also had a few things to say,
“BUD’s mission is to grow it to maturity and harvest the seeds it produces. The plant ends up being a towering two-kilometer-high bridge from the ground to his space ship.”
If you want more info, head on over to the official blog post.