Nolan North, the voice behind the legendary Nathan Drake, has said that he thinks Uncharted 4 will be the last title in the series. Or at least, the last one with Naughty Dog at the helm…
While speaking with IGN, Nolan said,
“It’s bittersweet but at a certain point you want to go out on top. If this is the last one indeed, and I believe it’s the last one – nothing’s confirmed, but I believe it’s the last one Naughty Dog wants to do, in which case I hope somebody else doesn’t pick up the mantle because they’ve done it so well for so long – but yeah, it’s one of those things where you just have to cross that bridge when you get to it.
I like the idea of going out on top so we better do a hell of a job with this one… and it’s already looking pretty good.”
To be honest, if Naughty Dog decide that UC4 is the last for Uncharted, I would rather it stay that way, rather than the franchise being handed over to someone else. Naughty Dog have proven themselves masters of storytelling and character with the mighty The Last of Us, and I just don’t see another development team being able to do the series justice.
Hopefully, Naughty Dog will decide to let the series live a little longer.