As you probably know (how could you not?), Sony made a rather large boo boo yesterday by incorrectly reporting Watch Dogs frame rate and resolution. Fortunately, Ubisoft has stepped in and clarified matters with some cold, hard facts.
Posting on the official Ubisoft blog, they clarified that Watch Dogs will run 900p on PS4 and 792p on Xbox One with both versions running 30 FPS. A far cry from the 1080p 60 FPS which was reported for the PS4 version by Sony.
The creative director of the title, Jonathan Morin, made this statement –
“Resolution is a number, just like framerate is a number. All those numbers are valid aspects of making games, but you make choices about the experience you want to deliver. In our case, dynamism is everything. Exploration and expression are everything. You want to have a steady framerate, but you want to have dynamism at the core of the experience. The same goes with resolution.
People tend to look at corridor shooters, for example, where there’s a corridor and all the effects are on and it’s unbelievable, and they forget that if you apply those same global effects to an open city with people around and potential car crashes and guys in multiplayer showing up without warning, the same effect is applied to a lot of dynamic elements that are happening in every frame.So it becomes magnified in cost.”
If you want more of an in depth opinion from our very own tech geek Paul / CrimsonRayne then feast your eyes on the video below.