Yes, PlayStation fans are not going to be alone in the dreams of owning a nice white shiny version of their new consoles. Rumours of when the white variant of the Xbox One will be going on sale have been circulating for a while. Since the release of the Xbox One, Microsoft employees have been receiving white versions of the consoles and controllers with the words “I MADE THIS, LAUNCH TEAM 2013”, picture below. Now it looks like Microsoft have finally matched Sony’s marketing strategies and showed us a nice Sunset Overdrive bundle to make the consumers console choices a more difficult option once again.
Sony had announced at E3 2014 that with the release of Destiny this year, we will also see an exclusive timed bundle in which you can purchase a white PS4 with Destiny. It was later confirmed that the white version of the PS4 will be sold separately at the beginning of 2015. With this, Microsoft has decided to do an Exclusive title, Sunset Overdrive bundle, in which you can buy the game and console bungled together. Destiny is on both the PS4 and Xbox One, but Sunset Overdrive can only be purchased on Xbox One.
However, the white PS4 bundle will be released next month on September 9th and the white Xbox One has not yet been given a release. Microsoft has stated that the console will be with the public “later this year”. We know that Sunset Overdrive is currently set to be released 28th October, 2014, but we do not know if this will be a day one exclusive bundle or done nearer the Christmas holidays. Also, we have no word about when we will be seeing the console sold separately like the PS4. Let’s hope its sooner rather than later.