“The Power of the Cloud”
Microsoft seem extremely keen to continue to push its message, and just recently has revealed its own info graphic which points out the various functions and features of the Xbox Cloud. The Xbox One has access to 300,000 ‘cloud servers’ which can do everything from powering dedicated servers to offloading AI and physics.
The basic idea is that the specs of the cloud aren’t fixed, and therefore they will ‘grow’ with the system over time, allowing developers to constantly improve the graphics of the games. Not only that, Microsoft claim this will allow far richer, larger and diverse worlds. But that isn’t to say that everyone is so sold on the idea.
The Xbox One cloud does have a few issues which I’ve discussed in videos and articles before. These include things such as latency and the problem of actually requiring the user to have an internet connection. Then there’s the other obvious issue – developers need to support it. Regardless, it does have a lot of uses and I am curious how it will play out in the next few years. Until then, you can check out the infographic.
Obviously the information below is a little biased, and if you want more info be sure to checkout the RGT youtube channel or this very website.