Nvidia’s Geforce GTX 750 Ti has been in the news a lot recently. Not because there’s much excitement about a lower performance part, but because it signifies that the release of AMD’s Maxwell architecture is drawing near. There have been numerous leaks concerning the release date and performance already, some from just yesterday. These rumors give a ‘rough’ performance evaluation, and date that the card will indeed come along in Mid Feb. We’ll also be seeing 2GB of RAM on these GPU’s.
Fast forward less than 24 hours, and yet more more Geforce GTX 750 Ti benchmarks make their way into the wild. We can see that these are overall performance benchmarks, and have the various games titles running at 1920x1080P, with 4xAA and 16x AF. We don’t have numbers for the individual titles, instead the average of the games was compiled. We do see that titles like Metro: Last Light, Tomb Raider, Far Cry 3, Crysis 3, Hitman: Absolution and Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag are listed (see leaked image at bottom of the article).
The Geforce GTX 750 Ti 2GB (Maxwell) is getting 41.2FPS. This puts it a few frames behind a Radeon 7850, and as reported earlier, behind the Geforce GTX 650 Ti Boost. Unfortunately, these benchmarks are far from complete, We’re still in the dark of the amount of CUDA cores which are present on the Geforce GTX 750 TI, and we’re also in the dark of the clock speed and other specs such as power consumption, ROPS or TMU’s.
This latest benchmark comes to us from ChipHell. Of course, we’re perfectly aware that Nvidia are pushing out higher end cards in the form of the Geforce Gtx 790 and the Titan Black Edition the first quarter too. It would appear Nvidia are for now sticking on the 28nm process, and possibly going to give a die shrink in the future. Exactly what Maxwell will bring to the table is still cause of some debate, but lower power, ARM CPU and Unified Memory Access are a few of its touted features.