AMD (ATI) Discontinues Monthly Driver Updates, But Release Catalyst 12.6 (beta)

WHQL releases to be lowered in numberFor around a decade now, AMD (or for most of that period, should I say ATI) were well known for their pretty much monthly release of WQHL-certified video drivers. This offered many numerous benefits, such as slowly being able to implement new features (rather than a large slew at once) and this in turn reduced bugs. It also allowed more frequent bug fixing for games if a particular one was performing poorly on the Radeon brand.

However, this time of monthly updates is now at an end. Starting with 12.6 Catalyst updates AMD will no longer release them on this monthly schedule and will adopt a as needed/dynamic basis (very much how their biggest GPU rivals, NVIDIA operate). This will likely mean around 50 percent of the WQHL releases per year (compared to the 12 or so that’s currently out).

If you’re an ATI/AMD owner, it might be worth you taking a look at AnAndTech’s article for information.

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