Assassins Creed Rising Phoenix Image Spotted – What Could It Be??

A screenshot of an Assassin’s Creed project has appeared online, via All Games Beta.


As you can see, the image gives pretty much nothing away. One thing that is interesting, though, is that the branding in the bottom left is for Ubisoft Digital Arts, which you may know as the company’s “cinema creation studio”. This means that the project could be something movie related rather than gaming related, or it could even possibly be a television series. There is also a chance that is could be another PS Vita game, given that Assassin’s Creed 3: Liberation sold fairly well on the handheld console.

If I may throw out some of my own personal thoughts and speculations, the name “Rising Phoenix” seems to give the impression of something growing from nothing. So we could be looking at a bit of a prequel to Desmon’d story, regardless of the platform of delivery for the story. We could be seeing the Assassin organisation when it was stronger, perhaps on one of the earlier missions to overthrow Abstergo that were mentioned in the emails readable within the original Assassin’s Creed game. I would personally love an AC game in a modern setting, but with a protagonist who is more interesting and engaging than our bland friend Desmond. What this project is we will have to see, but I am definitely intrigued.

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