Candy Crush Saga Dev Drops “Candy” Trademark

King, after much questionable behaviour in the recent gaming press, has officially confirmed that they are abandoning their trademark of the word “candy”, as it (obviously) applies to a huge range of consumer goods.

As was reported by Kotaku, King has filed with the U.S Trademark Office to abandon the trademark on Monday. King then confirmed the information, but unfortunately did not offer any other comment.

King somehow managed to get the word trademarked back in January, and then promptly began sending legal warnings to developers  who dared to use the word “candy” (a word that has existed in the dictionary for approximately 1,000,000 years) in the title of their games.

This was far from the last of King’s antics, of course, as they even disputed the title of The Banner Saga, for their use of the word “saga”. They then admitted that they weren’t actually upset with the guys behind TBS, but were basically using it as a scare tactic to say “Hey, don’t infringe our copyright!”

So, at least now they have finally made a good move. I have no idea who thought it was okay for someone to trademark a common word like “candy”, but thankfully King has released the trademark and some form of sanity can resume. For now.