Challenge of Following Rocksteady – We’re standing on the shoulders of giants

As reported earlierBatman Arkham Origins is well under way, and will be seeing a release of October 25th. People’s reactions are already nervous – can Warner Brothers Montreal possibly pull off a title that is as good as Rocksteady?

Senior team members have already gone on record in saying that they are “standing on the shoulders of giants” by trying to follow in the footsteps of Rocksteady. Batman Arkham series has been widely acclaimed to be not just two of the best superhero titles, but of this generation.

Eric Holmes, who previously has had experience on both Prototype and Incredible Hulk said that they planned to take a unique approach with Batman Arkham Origins:

“The challenge for us, coming in after Rocksteady, is to do something which hasn’t been done. This is the story of the first time Batman meets certain characters that are very important to him and defines his relationships, which ultimately starts to define him. Nobody’s harsher critics about this game than we are and we definitely want it to stand up to the Arkham legacy.”

Matt Mattes, who serves as the Senior Producer for the title has similar words in regards to Origin’s development after the departure of Rocksteady. “We are very aware of the fact we are standing on the shoulders of giants,” he said. “We are playing in the space of some of the most critically acclaimed games of all time.”

The title will see a release on the XBox 360, Playstation 3, PC and Wii U. There has been no mention of a PS4 or Xbox 720 version of the title, however given how close those consoles are to PC X86 architecture it would not be surprising if Montreal were to use that version as a base for PS4 and Xbox 720 versions.