Even though Dark Souls 3 is out next month, neither From Software or Bandai Namco have said a huge amount regarding the PC version.
But, thanks to an IGN livestream, we now know what the full platter of graphics options, plus key bindings, that Dark Souls 3 has to offer on PC.
You can see a screenshot of the graphics options below.

As you can see, it’s a fairly decent set of graphics options with pretty much everything you would expect. Sadly we didn’t get a glimpse of the options for music, sound and voice, but it’s certainly nice to see just how far Dark Souls has come since the very first port to PC.
If you’re curious about the key bindings, take a gander at the gallery below.
Sadly, it seems at least for the moment the PC version has some performance issues. IGN were running on a high preset with a GTX 980, but suffered performance issues. But there are two key factors to keep in mind: The game isn’t out yet so no drivers, and streaming does effect frame rate, especially at higher resolutions.
Buy Dark Souls on PC in the UK here, or in the US here.
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