Destiny | The Taken King Will Expand Crucible With Two New Modes


We know that The Taken King is adding a ton of content to Destiny, and now Bungie has revealed that the expansion will be adding two modes to The Crucible.

When speaking to Game Informer, Bungie’s Lars Bakken said that they had been listening to fan feedback when creating the two new modes. For example, fans have long since requested an objective-based mode seperate from the existing Control.

Bungie has come up with the Rift, which is a bit different to your usual capture-the-flag mode, as it will reward you points even if you don’t complete your objective.

According to Bakken, the issue with standard CTF is that it is “very binary”, since you could run all the way back to your base with the flag but die before you score. In Rift, the objective is something called the Spark, which is located in the middle of the map. The goal is to pick it up and carry it to your opponent’s goal. However, there is a catch: the Spark has a timer, so you can’t just camp out with it. You only have 75 seconds before it kills you, which will naturally make games more tense and faster paced, especially since it is a six-on-six mode.

Next up is Mayhem,  where ammunition, grenades and supers recharge very quickly, fast enough for a warlock to deploy six or seven Nova Bombs within a single round.

As well as all this, it sounds like a permanent return for Elimination might be on the cards, at least at launch. As you probably know, Elimination is a three-on-three gametype on Trials of Osiris mode, but can’t be accessed while Trials is offline.