Recently, we had a peak at the content that will be coming to Diablo 3 in patch 2.2.0 in the future. Now, they have spoken out in response to some concerns at something spotted in these path notes.
Basically, they said that not all features showing up in datamined content will necessarily show up in all regions, and they were referencing one thing in particular here: the microtransactions. Apparently, these are likely being implemented in the Asian market and aren’t very likely to make an appearance in Europe or the US.
Speaking over on, Diablo community manager Brandy ‘Nevalistis’ Camel said that the so-called Platinum currency, timed experience boosts, character slot expansions and some cosmetic items will not be included in the Western patch.
His exact statement reads as such;
“While the above features will not apply to this region, players will still benefit from some of the quality of life perks tied to these additions, such as a streamlined UI for selecting cosmetic benefits like pets and Collector’s Edition wings. We recognize that many players have expressed an interest in microtransactions being added to Diablo 3. While we may explore this model in some regions, we have no immediate plans to implement such purchases anytime soon for the Americas (nor European)region.”
Now, I don’t know about you, but I’m not exactly shedding a tear about the fact that we won’t be getting micro transactions. But, they other stuff we’ll be missing out sounds pretty awesome. Timed boosts? Character slot expansions? Sounds like good stuff to me, and I can’t really understand why we aren’t getting it.
I can completely get Blizzard wanting to “test” microtransactions in a limited area at first, but surely the other things will be well received? It is perplexing, but here’s hoping that everything except the microtransactions (you can keep those thanks Asia) makes it way to us.
[schema type=”product” url=”” name=”Diablo 3 ” description=”The western patch of Diablo 3, patch 2.2.0, will be missing some features when it comes to the West.” brand=”Diablo 3″ manfu=”Blizzard Entertainment” ]