Fan Made Street Fighter x Megaman Coming to PC

Capcom has made a rather interesting announcement, as they reveal that the fan made Street Fighter x Megaman will be coming to PC.

This particular game was showcased at the Street Fighter 25th Anniversary Tournament that took place just yesterday, and will be available via free download on the Capcom Unity website. The release, which will be taking place on December 17, will mark the end of the month long celebrations for Street Fighter’s 25th Anniversary and the beginning of the Megaman 25th Anniversary.

This crossover, which does sound like a rather unusual idea, will maintain the classic 2D 8-bit style of the old school Megaman games that we all know and love. It will feature characters such as Ryu, Chun-Li, Blanka, Rolento and Dhalsim. They will be making appearances as classic Megaman bosses, and in tradition, Megaman will gain their unique powers after defeating them.

“Our fans have been so supportive of the 25th Anniversary efforts on Street Fighter, that we wanted to provide one last surprise and token of our appreciation,” said Christian Svensson, Capcom’s SVP of consumer software.

“This game symbolizes the passion and dedication of our fans and with the 25th Anniversary of Mega Man coming up, we felt it was our duty to bring this wonderful experience to everyone who has shared the last 25 years with us and both of these celebrated franchises.”

The mastermind behind this title is Seow Zong Hui, who gained the backing of Svensson and Capcom after his game was seen by Svensson at EVO 2012.

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