Final Fantasy 15 Aiming For Simultaneous Global Launch


Hajime Tabata made a surprising statement at Gamescom this year, and that’s that FF 15 will get a “simultaneous global launch”.

This is obviously not going to be an easy feat, but if Square actually manage it, then it will be the first time a Final Fantasy game has hit all regions at once.

When speaking to Gamespot at Gamescom, Tabata said that Square Enix have adapted their internal structure in order to prepare for the global launch of Final Fantasy 15.

As anyone who is a fan of Square is painfully aware, their games usually release in Japan first, with the US and Europe having to wait weeks or sometimes months to get their hands on it. Those of us in the EU and UK are usually left to endure the longest wait.

So it’s quite refreshing that Square are even attempting this, especially since it obviously means multiple language localisations at once. If it works, perhaps they can do the same for Kingdom Hearts 3?