GPU Stock & Pricing Improving after RTX 30 LHR Launch

To say that the graphics card market has been extremely scuffed is a bit of an understandment, as prices shot through the roof and extreme stock shortages became commonplace. But, there is hope on the horizon.

As we discussed in our recent video, we have been hearing from our sources that stock issues are improving, and there has also been a huge crash in the crypto market after China enacted a ban on it.

But there is now new information that thanks to the release of Nvidia’s RTX 30 LHR GPUs, pricing and availability is improving. Naturally, there is no magic fix-all solution that will make all cards MSRP tomorrow, but light at the end of the tunnel is still something after months of extreme stock shortages.

According to Tom’s Hardware’s findings, the search engine which tracks the availability of  hardware and prices across Austria, Germany, Poland, and the UK, now has listings for 19 different RTX 30 LHR GPUs as available from several different retailers. The prices are still high, with the RTX 3080 Ti costing €1899, however they currently show that the majority of them are available.

Obviously the price of €1899 is hugely infalted over MSRP, but the prices are slowly coming down according to recent reports from 3D Center, and more cards being available on the market will naturally bring them down as well.

Unfortunately, the news is not quite so rosy for our US friends. Popular online marketplaces such as Amazon still have little to no stock, and they are still seeing cards which are one or even two generations old being massively overpriced as gamers turn to older gen cards in the face of the extreme shortages.

However, as we previously mentioned things are definitely on the road to improvement, but the industry is still straining under extremely high demand and not enough supply, and even as things improve manufacturers are still playing catch up after a brutal year. But, there is still light at the end of the tunnel, and if we hear anything further from our sources we will of course update you all!