GTAV PC Via Grand Theft Auto 4 Mod


PC gamer’s have been feeling somewhat left in the dark while they wait for official confirmation of GTAV on the PC. While it’s fairly certain that the PC will be receiving a port of Grand Theft Auto 5, modders aren’t content to wait. They are intent on creating Rockstar’s GTA5 using the Grand Theft Auto 4 engine. Of course, things are still early at the moment, and the title will not have the same missions of GTA5. Instead, it’s more of a map conversion (although some characters will be bought over from GTA5).

The modders have posted a few videos and screen shots of their work in progress, and warn that they are still fairly early in development and things will improve over time. I think it looks pretty good so far, and just makes me wish Rockstar would hurry up and announce the PC version all the more. The bottom video, showing a helicopter fly over of the San Andreas is particularly impressive.
