Half Life 3 Confirmed In Development & Left 4 Dead 3 Looks Great Says CS Creator


Minh Le, the creator of the infamous Counter Strike ‘confirms’ that the now meme worthy Half-Life 3 is indeed in development. There have been a few leaks on Source engine 2 and HL3 but little conformation. Right now. Additionally he commented briefly on Left 4 Dead 3, telling the interviewer that the title is looking great.

All of this took place during a Twitch session (33 minutes and 55 seconds in) when Minh Le was asked first about the status of Half Life 3.

“There’s like a laser sight on my head right now! I don’t think I can talk about that, to be honest, but I think it’s kind of public knowledge, that people know that it is being worked on. And so if I were to say that yeah, I’ve seen some images, like some concept art of it, that wouldn’t be big news to be honest.

“But yeah, I mean like I guess I could say that I did see something that looked kinda like in the Half-Life universe. And I mean it wouldn’t surprise anyone if I said they’re doing it, they’re working on it, yeah. So to go on a limb I’d say I did see some concept art for Half-Life 3.

“Somebody’s knocking on my door right now!” he later said. “Hopefully that doesn’t get out. It seems like old news by now, I think everybody knows it’s being worked on.”

Now turning on focus for to the sequel of the other major FPS franchise from Valve, Left 4 Dead 3, “I saw it, it looks great. I was really excited when I saw that, I was like ‘wow, this looks great’. Because I really enjoyed Left 4 Dead, it was just one of those games that really just changed the industry. I think at the time there wasn’t many good co-op games, so yeah, this is a great co-op game.”

It’s fair to say that the development of Half-Life 3 is fairly common knowledge, with the odd leak pointing that Valve are also working on Source Engine 2. This is a follow up to the original Source engine which has powered Half-Life 2 way back in 2004. Hard to believe it was that long ago, isn’t it? But if you were a gamer basic then you’d likely have salivated over Source engines physics which were thoroughly demonstrated in the various puzzles throughout Half Life 2.

As linked above, we do have a few images which have leaked out with some maps being created in the Source 2 Engine, and it looks very pretty.

Thanks to OXM.