masterchief backturned for halo 4

Halo 4 Multiplyayer needs 8GB of space, bad news for core owners…

masterchief backturned for halo 4
Turning his back on 4GB users?

Fancy playing Halo 4, or should I more correctly say, do you fancy playing it online? Well, you could have some bad news headed your way if you’ve got either a core, arcade or 4GB of RAM Xbox 360. You won’t have the space to run the multiplayer aspect of the game. So that means you’ll have to purchase yourself a bigger HDD (which Microsoft “highly recommend” or, alternatively, an enternal flash drive of some description.

It isn’t really of surprise, but MS suggest a SanDisk pre-configured drive. That’s not to say that you can’t just use any old one though, if you’re willing to put up with the headache of configuring it yourself.

November the 6th is the official launch day for Halo 4, but one would assume MS are making sure they let their customers know early, less they face the wrath of angry mobs who’ve just bought the game and aren’t able to play it due to limitations on the hardware they own.

I think this does show one of the biggest problems with this generation of consoles, particularly with the xbox 360, that it didn’t make certain standards the bare minimum. At launch day of the 360, I ended up having to buy a core console because there wasn’t enough Premium’s instock. I’ve always said that the 20GB hard drive the 360 launched with was the min there should have been, and even for launch year it was pretty damn tiny.

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