Hearthstone | The Grand Tournament Expansion Revealed

grand tournament

Blizzard have finally given details on the next Hearthstone expansion, and it will be called – you guessed it  – The Grand Tourament.

It seems as if our rumors and speculations were true, as this expansion is based on the WoW update Argent Tourament. Naturally, Blizzard has promised that it will be a bit more fun and lighthearted than it’s WoW iteration.

We obviously don’t yet have information on every card included in this expansion, but it will include Skycap’n Kragg a legendary card with charge who costs one less for each friendly pirate on the board.

There’s also Maiden of the Lake, who has the rather interesting mechanic of lowering the cost of your hero power to one mana. The Coldarra Drake also affects your hero power, in that it allows you to use your hero power as many times as you can afford. I can see this being seriously powerful for Druid, Mage and Rogue. It could also be game changing for the other classes, especially Priest and Shaman.

A new giant will be joining the party, in the form of the Frost Giant who costs 10 mana at the start, but costs one less for each time you used your hero power in the game. Dat Coldarra Drake synergy doe.

A new keyword will also be introduced with “inspire”. Cards with inspire will have an ability activated by using your hero power. For example, the Lowly Squire is a one attack minion who’s attack increases each time you use your hero power while it’s in play.

Hunters have been visited by RNGesus, and will get a new card called Lock and Load, which adds a random hunter card to your hand whenever you play a spell alongside of it.

Blizzard have confirmed that the total amount of cards added by the Grand Tournament will be 130, and it will be available for pre-order next week. The expansion is set to launch in August.

Pre-ordering will give you a bit of a discount on packs, as well as giving you a new card back.
