Infamous Second Son – New Screenshots Show Stunning Graphics


Infamous Second Son, the one time launch title for the PS4, has had five gorgeous new screenshots released.

The upcoming game from Sucker Punch, which has now been pushed back to an undefined Spring 2014 release window, is looking rather tasty indeed. Sporting rather gorgeous graphics which have already been confirmed to be running natively at 1080p (not upscaled), this game is still very much a system seller. It’s a real shame that the launch has been pushed back, but I’m sure it will be worth the wait.

Producer Brian Fleming also spoke recently on the special effects featured in the game, which you will see featured heavily in the newly released screens.

“The special effects system is sort of like one of the stars of the show,” explained producer Brian Fleming. “This is a game about super powers, so for us, the way the effects look tells you a lot about how you’re playing the game. It tells you about how much you’ve upgraded. It’s a really meaningful part of the play experience that the effects are immersive and spectacular… it’s as important as the AI.”

You can view the images in the gallery below.