InFamous Second Son – New Screenshots


Along with KillZone Shadow Fall, Infamous Second Son is the game that I most am looking forward to playing on the Ps4. The previous titles in the series have all been fantastic, and Second Son is looking to be even better than its predecessors. Lightning, fireballs, awesome abilities and an incredible landscape to travel around in… who is excited?

In these screenshots from Infamous Second Son we can see a few of the new powers that are being demonstrated. Supposedly, the character can control smoke (by using the PS4’s touchpad) and absorb power from Department of Unified Protection, who serve to be some of the games enemies.

Infamous Second Son is of course a Playstation 4 exclusive, and is the forth game in the series (technically – Infamous 1 and then 2, and then of there was the downloadable Infamous Festival Of Blood, which wasn’t cannon). Previous titles were all released on the PS3.